Thankfully Amazon.com keeps your order history so let's take a look back at one of my more random purchases...this one was completed on September 25th, 2001.
1.) U2 - Pop Mart (VHS)

I'm a fan of U2 but not one of those crazy die hard fans. I think their best output was in the 1990's with Achtung Baby, Zooropa, and my all time favorite U2 album "Pop". Typical U2 fans with crucify me for saying that but the singles on the CD were some of their strongest if not most offbeat songs..."Discotheque", "Staring At The Sun", "Until The End Of The World" and "Please" all can be considered greatest hits with "MoFo" and "Gone" being very underrated. Anyway, the tour behind this album was their famous Pop Mart tour where the band would go through costume changes, including Bono's change into his Mr. Memphisto character for the final part of the show. The setlist spans every part of their career up to that point and since I'm not a major fan of their most recent three albums (probably because it sounds like their 80's sound), it was a perfect fit for me.
* Do I regret the purchase?: Nope! In fact I just bought the DVD version of this show a few weeks ago.
2.) "The Book Of Horrible Questions: Everyone Has a Price, What's Yours?"

This was a book filled with just random questions and how much would you need to be paid to do them. Here are some examples:
a.) For $2,500 would you caress your sister's naked breast for a full minute?
b.) For $10,000 would you take a bite out of a urinal puck in a bathroom?
c.) For $50,000 would you take a dump (including wiping) at work while on an office wide closed circuit TV?
I regret that I somehow lost this book when I moved back to NY because no other book has ever made me laugh so much. I'm laughing right now as I write this.
* Do I regret the purchase?: Haha, I might just have to order it again.
3.) "Quarterlife Crisis" The Unique Challenges of Life in Your Twenties"

Ugh, this was just a stupid attempt for an author to cash in on the whole "quarterlife crisis" phenomena that was going on in the earlier part of the decade. Of course I got sucked into it. I think I read about half of the book before giving up on it. I don't even remember what it was trying to say other than the fact that the authors believe that its very scary and depressing to be in your mid 20's. Now that I'm in my early 30's, I'd love to be in my mid 20's again so I don't know what the author is talking about.
* Do I regret the purchase?: Thankfully the book only cost $12 but that money could have gone to purchasing a movie like "Cruel Intentions" instead.
4.) The Godfather DVD Collection:

I'm not going to go into a long analysis into the Godfather movies (just go to IMDB.com and click on "External reviews" for that) but I will say that it was nice to watch these classics in a good quality picture, good sound, and not have to worry about changing the VHS tape a couple of times per movie. I still watch these movies (well at least the first two parts) once a year. If the final 30 minutes of either movie is on TV, I'll stop what I'm doing and watch that too. Good stuff.
*Do I regret the purchase?: One of my most cherished DVDs.
5.) Best Of The 80's Boxset - IMPORT (6 CD's)

Before there were all of these 80's Greatest Hits collections, and having a virtual music library at your fingertips in ITunes, one had to go to England to find anything that resembled anything wide ranging. Unfortunately, England's taste in what's considered a "hit" is very different from what the U.S. buying public thinks. As a result, out of the 108 songs that came in this collection, I'd say 50 are songs that I've even heard of. Still, this was the only place at the time to find some of these oddish songs without buying the whole album with 10 or 11 crappy songs.
Too Late For Goodbyes-Julian Lennon
It's My Life-Talk Talk
(I Just) Died In Your Arms-Cutting Crew
Tonight I Celebrate My Love-Peabo Bryson & Roberta Flack
Nineteen-Paul Hardcastle
And The Beat Goes On-The Whispers
Pump Up The Jam-Technotronic
Anyway, it got the job done but I'll admit, having 5 plus CD's of songs you've never heard by artists you sort of heard of (there were FOUR Spandau Ballet songs on the set), was tough to swallow.
Do I regret the purchase?: At the time, no. But considering I probably could easily buy the above songs I wanted on ITunes for $7 today...yes.